D U R S L E Y    T A B E R N A C L E

© 2006 Dursley Tabernacle United Reformed Church

Details of Services


Morning Worship starts at 10.30am on Sunday


The Tab is made up of all ages and all backgrounds. Our worship reflects this rich diversity.

The style of worship is relaxed yet respectful combining traditional and modern elements.


Central to our worship is listening for God’s word. We follow the Revised Common Lectionary, a three yearly cycle of Bible readings that is used internationally by the mainstream denominations. It allows the Church to discover the full riches of scripture and people to prepare in advance for worship by reading the passages in advance. The readings for each Sunday can be found on the Wots On Page, and usually determine the theme for worship. We have a bible readers rota.


Our musical tradition is broad. We have a fine organ and a fine organist in Royal Academy of Music trained Simon Fullard. A Music Group comprising keyboard, guitars, bass, recorder, oboe and singers provide contemporary music. Our choir regularly enhances our worship with a variety of choral pieces.


Children are involved in our main worship from the start. The first half of worship is all age and inclusive, with simpler songs and more participation, often with a visual element. Children and young people leave after the church notices and offertory to go to Tab Tribe and Fury (see the relevant pages).


Our prayers can involve silence, responses, meditations, our straight forward petitions and praise. We have a prayer book located in the vestibule, on the window shelf immediately as you enter the church, for which names or requests can be written. These are taken up and read out during the prayers of intercession towards the end of the service.


Communion, where we remember God’s love to us through Christ, is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month at the end of the service. All who humbly seek to follow the Lord are invited to share in this meal, whether they are church members or not, whether they regard themselves as having great faith or little faith.


Baptisms usually take place during the morning worship


Our morning worship lasts between an hour and an hour and a quarter. Coffee and tea are served from the new reception room after the service. Children in Tab Tribe don’t need to be collected until 12 pm, allowing parents to have a moment to stay and chat. If you are a visitor please make yourselves known to us and sign our visitors’ book.


This Christmas Day a joint service will be held with the Dursley Methodists at the Dursley Methodist Church


The Dursley Tabernacle is also a member of the Cam and Dursley and Churches Together which hold joint services on a regular basis.


For an independent view on our services follow the link on the left to the Ship of Fools website.


The Mystery Worshipper project, which produced this report, is run by ship-of-fools.com, the online magazine of Christian unrest. The project has volunteer reporters who visit churches of all denominations worldwide, leaving only a calling card in the collection plate. For further reports, visit the Mystery Worshipper at:

